David Winston, Royal piano restorer and Conservator to Her Majesty The Queen, is to sell his personal collection of exquisite rare pianos


Dreweatts auctioneers is offering a private collection of exquisite pianos, owned by David Winston, one of the world’s foremost piano restorers and Conservator of Pianos to Her Majesty The Queen, in a landmark sale taking place on Thursday 23rd September. The collection includes 26 exceptionally rare and important pianos dating from the 18th century to the present day.

David Winston has restored some of the most valuable pianos in the world, including those owned and played by the greatest names in classical music, such as Beethoven, Chopin and Liszt. He has a connoisseur’s eye for exceptional quality and unusual provenance, and many of his pianos are one-off pieces with significant historic importance. In this film, his exceptional depth of knowledge is brought to the fore, as he explains how his collection represents a lifetime’s passion.


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